What do my Vitamin D results mean?
High levels may indicate over supplementation from pills or nutrition or can be from certain medical conditions. Low levels may be a sign of kidney disease. It may also mean you may not be getting adequate levels of sunlight or are not absorbing it efficiently.
What happens when my vitamin B12 is low?
If you are feeling tired or lethargic, suffer from headaches, have pale skin or have a low mood then it may be a sign that you have low vitamin B12 levels. You may also experience mouth ulcers, pins and needles irritability and be more prone to depression and extreme tiredness if particularly deficient. It is important to monitor and boost up your levels to prevent any permanent damage.
What are the symptoms of a low vitamin D level?
If you have a low level of vitamin D then you may be more tired, have aches and pains or may be feeling generally unwell. With more severe cases of vitamin D deficiency you may also struggle with strong pains and weakness. Diseases of the gastro intestinal tract which can cause malabsorption should also have routine vitamin D levels checked.
When should vitamin D levels be checked?
Vitamin D is largely made naturally in the skin through exposure to sunlight. Therefore, vitamin D levels are best checked during cooler seasons such as winter, spring and autumn, or if you regularly wear high coverage clothing. 1 in 5 adults in the UK are vitamin D deficient and may not be aware of it, so it is important to check your vitamin D levels regularly.
What are the symptoms of folate deficiency?
If you suffer from extreme tiredness, pins and needles, muscle weakness and unclear vision then you may be folate deficient. Sufficient folate levels are also vital for pregnant women as it helps develop the brain and spinal cord of the foetus.