Thyroid Diagnosis & Monitoring – YTF


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Analyses the following
This home test checks the function of your thyroid gland. It tests for the level of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free (FT4).
How does it work?
What can I expect from this Thyroid Function - Diagnosis and Monitoring?

This profile checks the function of your thyroid gland. Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. It will give you a good indication as to whether your thyroid is functioning normally or not by checking your levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free T4 (FT4).

These tests are mainly used to see whether or not you have an underactive thyroid gland (Hypothyroidism) or an overactive one (Hyperthyroidism) which can lead to tiredness, mood problems and weight issues.

Identifying conditions of this test
Thyroid (2 Biomarkers)

Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. If your thyroid isn’t functioning properly it can cause tiredness, mood problems and weight issues.

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) are made by the pituitary gland in the brain to stimulate the thyroid gland (located by the throat). The hormones that are produced are used to regulate weight, body temperature and muscle strength. Levels of TSH are measured as it is an indicator of thyroid disease and is commonly tested with Free T4 and Free T3.

Free T4 (throxine)

Free T4 (free thyroxine) is a hormone produced by the thyroid gland. This hormone is involved in several body functions including metabolism and growth. It can be used for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism as well as aiding the diagnosis of female infertility problems. Free T4 is commonly tested with Free T3 and TSH.
You will receive your test in the post.
Take a sample using our easy to use kit
Fill out forms, label blood sample, return in prepaid envelope
Our partner Laboratory will send your doctor validated personal results via a secure link to your email address within 24-48 hours after receipt of your sample.

Why is a thyroid test important?

The thyroid gland produces essential hormones that are carried to all parts of the body via the blood stream. This is especially important in regulating your metabolism which can directly affect the function of your brain, heart rate and body temperature.

What are other early warning signs of a thyroid problem?

Other symptoms may also include trouble concentrating, hair loss, dry skin and puffiness of the face, hands or feet.

What is the normal range and what if my results are abnormal?

Our normal measurement range is between 0.3 - 3.05 for TSH and between 9 - 23 for thyroxine. If our medical consultants observe any abnormal results then they will notify you within result certificate, and recommend how you may want to raise this with your doctor.

How should I prepare for the test?

You do not need to fast before the test itself. Inform your doctor if you are on any medications as some may impact your thyroid function. If you have had recent imaging with contrast dye that may contain iodine this can also affect your results. If you are pregnant let the doctor know as this can also impact results
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